Network Security – Advantages and Disadvantages of Security on Both Switches and Routers


I appreciate some of the most obvious advantages of security on both switches and routers are things like stopping unauthorized access and preventing any unwanted configurations.

However, I can't think of any disadvantages that are really worth considering when configuring a device, things like:

  • Strength of password determines security level.
  • Security beyond the password is based solely on confidentiality.

But these are not really points that would make anyone think twice about adding security to the devices.

Are there any others you have perhaps come across or know that may effect the network, or devices themselves? Is there even a disadvantage to adding security to a switch or router?

Best Answer

What type of switch are we talking about?

Unmanaged switches will work out of the box and require no configuration. Managed switches on the other hand do. Generally unmanaged switches can't be hacked, but managed switches can with improper configuration.

You should do everything possible to ensure the switch isn't vulnerable to attack.

Now onto the router. Should it be secured? ABSOLUTELY YES! If an attacker gains access to the network, and the router isn't secured/configured correctly, you've just given the attacker an open door.

Ensure both are secured. Trust nothing.

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