Network Switch – What Does 1000M Mean?


I thought the 1000M ment that it was capable of Gigabit speed but it isn't, I noticed then that it stated 10/100Mbps. What does this 1000M mean?

Network Switch 1000M vs 100Mbps

Best Answer

I thought the 1000M ment that it was capable of Gigabit speed

The 1000M is clearly labelling indicator lights showing that the ports in question are running at gigabit speeds.

but it isn't, I noticed then that it stated 10/100Mbps.

Have you tested all the ports?

The line you highlighted part of says

"24 port 10/100 + 2 SFP/1000T combo"

"24 port 10/100" indicates that your switch has 24 ports that are capable of 10/100 speeds.

"2 SFP/1000T combo" indicates that your switch has two gigabit ports which can be used either directly for 1000BASE-T copper or used with a SFP module (for gigabit fiber).

Since only ports 25 and 26 have "1000M" lights it's pretty clear that ports 1-24 are the 10/100 ports and ports 25-26 are the gigabit ports. If you connect two devices to ports 25 and 26 you should get gigabit speeds between them. If you don't you might want to check the configuration to make sure noone has locked the ports to a lower speed.

It's very common in switches to have a couple of ports that are faster than the rest. This makes sense because in general you want your backbones to be faster than your access ports.

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