Switch – Why Network Switch Drops Frame According to EtherType/Length


I have a network switch IC , and I am using to the send BPDU packet. I can send packet with 2 byte ethertype/length field like this : 81 00, 80 00, 91 00 and some special hex number. But if I try to this field like this 00 27 . Switch drop the frame because of this "00 27" number.

Is this a rule for the some special switch ? Why the ethertype/length field cant be any number to pass the switch. I looked in the datasheet, there is no topic about this.
(By the way VLAN feature close)

Best Answer

An EtherType/Length value up to 1500 (0x05dc) indicates the frame's payload length. The values 1501-1535 (0x05dd-0x05ff) are undefined, real Ethertype values start at 1536 (0x600).

The receiving switch is probably ignoring the rest of the frame and since the supposed FCS doesn't match, it drops the error frame.

You'll need to use a larger value and take care that your private EtherType doesn't collide with anything already in use.