Tcp – Traceroute Over TCP vs UDP


For what purpose would one wish to send traceroute over TCP rather than UDP? What advantages/disadvantages are there in doing so? I know that traceroute normally uses UDP ICMP "echo" packets while traceroute with TCP uses "SYN" packets from its 3-way handshake, but I'm curious as to why one might be better than the other. If it depends on the situation, then what are those situations?

Best Answer

There's no such thing as "UDP ICMP "echo"". traceroute sends a UDP probe with an increasing TTL. That probe is a single datagram destined for a high port which is unlikely to be a listening service. As the datagram flows out across the network, the TTL decrements until it hits zero at which point an ICMP ERROR ("time exceeded") is generated. That ICMP message identifies a "hop". When the TTL is enough to reach the target, as there's no listener on that port, an ICMP "port unreachable" error is generated, thus ending the trace.

The purpose of tcptraceroute is to do the same sort of path check with a TCP connection. It is most useful in diagnosing connection issues to a specific service. (eg. a web server) As the probes look like a normal TCP connection attempt, they'll go through NAT, firewalls, ACLs, rate-limits, etc. exactly as a connection from the intended application.

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