The correct way to diagram a Patch Panel


I am creating a network diagram for my local LAN. I would like to include a patch panel diagramming what physical location (office) each port goes to, as well as the devices in that office. I have attached what I have created below, but I am unsure that this is the best way to do this.

What is the correct way to diagram physical locations that a patch panel goes to within a Network Diagram?

Patch Panel

Best Answer

Typically you diagram network connections, and then make good use of labeling the physical patch panel and cables. The reason for this is patch panels are only a physical pass through, If you are troubleshooting at that point, then you should be looking at it in person.

Here is a good link for some network diagrams link

I would diagram out the network from a layer2/3 perspective and go through the patch panels and physically label everything including the patch panel and the cables.

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