Traceroute IP-address mismatch

ip addressipv4traceroute

I'm doing some traceroute scans and just realized, that there is an IP-address mismatch. Closer, my public IP-address doesn't match with the next HOP IP-address of my ISP.

So, when I scan the public IP-address of my modem, tracert tells me, that the router with his public IP is one HOP away. Of course, because I'm inside the private network of this router. This as well means, that the "inside" IP-address of my router is (for example) and my outside address is the public address of my router (, for example).

But here is the question:

How does it come, that when I traceroute, the second hop IP-address, so after my gateway, is a private address.

And what technology is used, that my outside IP is able to route to the private IP of the ISP?

Doesn't that mean, that my public address faces a private address?
Here is a tracert output:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
  2     3 ms     3 ms    11 ms

Best Answer

Your ISP could have network built based on RFC1918 IP addresses. Then somewhere on the way there is NAT applied to translate IP address.

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