Vlan – run two separate internet connections over one Cat5e cable


I have two ISP's coming into the building. One is a T1 that is going to be used for VOIP phones. The second is high speed internet connection going to be used for internet. Each office has one cat5e cable ran into them. Is it possible to run both services over one cat5e cable. I need the phones connected to the T1 for reliability and uptime and the computers connected to the other service for the speed. I am trying to avoid having to run an additional cable into each office. I am a little familiar with VLAN's but I don't think they will work in this scenario. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Yes it is possible all you need is a router where both links will get terminated for voice and data it would act as an gateway. Then you need switch connected via router in switch there would be 2 vlan one for voice one for data then one cat5e wire to your phone and from ip phone 2nd wire to your pc Thankyou hit correct answer if i cleared your doubt