Vyos, wan load balancing with one static and one pppoe connection

load balancingvyattavyoswan

I have two ISPs, one static and one PPPoE. I use VyOS.

I did the configuration with two static IP providers but when it comes to PPPoE I don't know what to write as the next hop for the interface health.

interface-health pppoe0 {
        failure-count 1
        nexthop ???
        success-count 1
        test 10 {
            resp-time 5
            ttl-limit 1
            type ping

Is the next hop of a PPPoE connection always the same or it can change once disconnected and connected again?

Thank you!

Best Answer

you can set next-hop as dhcp

set load-balancing wan interface-health pppoe1 nexthop dhcp