Web Server – Configuring Address with Two ISPs for Failover

failoverip addressload-balancer

I am new to networking and I have the following problem. In the small company I work in we have a load balance router with two ISPs (only one ISP is connected at the moment) and to the router there is a server connected with several websites hosted on it. The server has a static IP address from ISP1. This is the address that is routed on the Internet. The problem is, when ISP2 is connected to the router, it gives the server a different IP and the sites are not accessible anymore. All I can think of at the moment is calling ISP2 and requesting that they route the address from ISP1, but I don't know if they will agree to that. What is the best way to solve the problem and is there a solution that does not involve calling either ISP?
Thanks in advance.

UPDATE: While the solution below is perfectly valid, it turns out that in our circumstances it will be pretty hard to accomplish, as we are not directly connected to the ISPs and configuring BGP will require lengthy talks with other people. Is it possible to just register the address from ISP2 (with RIPE ?), so that if the first one fails, the server is reached via the second one?

Best Answer

The most appropriate solution for you is to run BGP with your own address space. Then you can allocate your own Provider Independent address to the server and advertise it to both ISPs. Otherwise any adequate ISP will not agree to route network wich doesn't belong to you.

Except BGP the only option I see is to use something like dyndns. Albeit this solution is inappropriate for critical applications.

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