Bus Topology – What Happens to a Packet Sent?


I read in Bus topology that "the network is occupied until the destination computer accepts the data". Is this statement correct?

If yes, then what happens if the destination computer is not present? How does the network handle this problem? Of course the bus topology shouldn't be occupied this whole time.

Best Answer

If you're talking about Token Ring (which no one uses anymore), the packet will flow around the ring until it comes back to you. At which point, you don't pass it on.


Think of your bus as a single wire. Along that wire speakers are attached to it (and earth ground.) Then add key-switches along the line to signal Morse code. Any switch can make all the speakers click, however, while a message is being sent, only one operator can be keying the message. The bus is thus "occupied" as long as the message is being sent. When done, anyone else can key their message. It doesn't matter if the message is intended for an operator who isn't listening, the message is still "put on the wire".