OSI Model – What Layer Deals with Ports?


I've read that the session layer is also called the ports layer, and a CBT nugget video implied ports were a layer 5 thing.

I always thought they were layer 4, just because I guess. (well and tcp and udp have the ports)

Strangely I don't get much for results on this, maybe it doesn't matter.

Best Answer

TCP or UDP ports are defined in either layer 4 of the OSI model or layer 3 of the TCP/IP model, both are defined as the 'transport' layer.

OSI layer 5 'session layer' uses the ports defined in layer 4 to create sockets and sessions between communicating devices/programs/etc.

The result I got from Google that actually mentioned 'Ports Layer' is a completely incorrect page on a known link-farming site, so take it with a grain of salt. I don't know why CBT would refer to layer 5 with that name, but I don't have the video to watch.

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