Difference Between Latency and Round Trip Time


Golang community provide a HTTP/2 demo website to compare the performance between HTTP 1.1 and HTTP/2.

We can choose different latency, e.g. 0s latency, 30 ms latency, 200ms latency.

  1. Is latency a terminology of computer science?
  2. What does that mean?
  3. What's the difference between latency and Round Trip Time?

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Best Answer

Network latency is how long it takes for something sent from a source host to reach a destination host. There are many components to latency, and the latency can actually be different A to B and B to A.

The round trip time is how long it takes for a request sent from a source to a destination, and for the response to get back to the original source. Basically, the latency in each direction, plus the processing time.