Wireless – Converting network data to sound, and streaming around 500M using RF (walkie-talkie style). How possible is it

network accesswireless

I'm not sure if this should go here or on one of the electronics pages, please advise me if this is misplaced.

I work at a local hardware store, and I along with the other staff all agree that an internet connection would be extremely useful. Only issue is, my boss doesn't see the usefulness of it, and won't purchase broadband.

I had a random idea pop up in my head the other day when someone was talking to me about dial-up. That used sound over the phone line in order to create a connection. My first thought was that I could set up some kind of dial-up server at my home to share my internet connection with the shop, but that would cost a fortune in phone bills and both my house and the shop needs it's phone line open.

I found a few walkie-talkies in a cupboard in my house, which made me think, as the distance between the shop and my house is within the walkie-talkie's range, would it be possible to convert the data on my network into sound, transmit it across the walkie talkie to the shop over one pair, then visa versa in return?

I understand that the speed would be incredibly slow, but the main thing we would be using it for is email, so speed isn't all that important. But other than speed and the fact that I would have to actually make it, is there anything else in the way of me doing this?

Also, if this is a possibility, what would be the most efficient way of sending the data. My idea at current involves compressing the data, encrypting it, and transmitting the binary data for that in 2 pitches (high = 1, low = 0), however I understand that that only allows me one channel of communication. 7

I have a fairly decent knowledge of both programming and electronics, but networking is a bit beyond me.

Thanks in advance for any answers 🙂

Best Answer

This is absolutely possible, but it will be much slower than you think. Your assumption that you can use a modem to convert data into an anolog sound signal and transmit it over the walkie talkie is correct. See this modem that I designed exactly for that purpose: http://unsigned.io/projects/micromodem/

The problem is that the speed of such a modem is only 1200 bits per second. And you simply wont get much more than that over a walkie-talkie audio link. For an in-depth explanation of this, have a look at this post I wrote to someone else about the limits of walkie-talkie data rates: http://unsigned.io/forum/viewtopic.php?id=48 (the explanation is the second post in the thread)

If you really want to do this over RF, you should use a modern wireless bridge running in the 5GHz band for example. There is many on the market, and I use one particular brand myself extensively in my work to set up wireless connections like the one you are talking about with distances anywhere from a few hundred meters to several kilometers. The speeds you can get on these can easily reach hundreds of megabits, but does require proper installation, alignment and configuration.

So in short, while it is possible to do what you want with a pair of walkie talkies, speed would simply be too slow. You can get other gear for the task that is specifically suited to actual internet connections.

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