Data Link Layer – Handling Duplicate Packets

lanlayer2mac addressosiwireless

Reading up about the data link layer I found that the logical link control sublayer uses sequence numbers to find duplicate packet frame transmissions.

I understood the sequence number game with respect to one transmitter and receiver but how does it work with multiple transmitters and a single receiver? Does the receiver need to maintain a table with MAC address and the next sequence number?

Or the duplicate frame "data" (or whatever it is called at that layer) detection is done at a higher layer?

Best Answer

Connection-oriented protocols are not used in "one transmitter, many receivers" scenarios, because of exactly the problem you mention. This is true not only of 802.2 Type 2, but also for IP multicast, which only uses UDP, not TCP.

Practically speaking, 802.2 type 2 is obsolete -- You would be hard pressed to find it in use anywhere.