How to Know if a Wireless Router Will Cover the Entire Area


I am studying a Wireless subject and I have a random question where we have two floors each floor has a size of 70x140 meters and WIFI specs are as follows,

# of Antennas, 3
RF Pwr (EIRP) in dBm 17
Antenna Gain in dBi 2
UPnP able/cert able
Frequency: 2.4GHz

I need to find if I need two Wireless router or one to cover the entire two

Now I have calculated Power Budget as 19

But How can I calculate how much area would one Wireless router will cover ?

I don't the answer i just need the guidance so I can calculate it myself and draw the graph.

Can anyone please help me ?


Best Answer

Well, you have the "test/book answer" and you have real life.

In real life, you try it if you want to know the real answer, since modeling the actual effect of walls, floors, etc is still somewhat substandard (or would require more effort to get an accurate model than going and checking in real life takes.) This is a "wireless site survey" and without one you are flying blind.

"Free space path" only applies if the path is in free space, which is exceedingly rare except for outdoor WiFi serving playing fields or the like. It does not account for the floor/ceiling you must have if the question is about 2 floors. Most commercial building floor structures (such as concrete over steel sheets) are exceedingly hostile to WiFi propagation. If there are any walls on the those floors, (ie, it's not just a warehouse like space) the answer changes again.

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