Wireless – How to test dynamic channel selection (DCS) with LANforge


I would like to test the dynamic channel selection (DCS) feature of an access point AP.

How can I test it using Candela Technologies LANforge-WiFIRE WiFi traffic generator?

Would the following steps be appropriate?

  1. Place the LANforge next to the AP under test, and setup a virtual AP.

  2. Set the AP under test to use Auto for the channel selection.

  3. Switch the channel of the virtual AP to whatever channel the tested AP has selected.

The AP under test should switch to another channel with less interference.

Best Answer

Your order seems ok, but keep in mind there is more to the Radio Resource Managment (RRM) algorithm than just 'neighbors on same channel'. More specifically, if it is determined that other channels in the area are 'busier' or 'noisier' RF-wise, it may be decided to remain on that same channel as your tester.

Assuming a clean RF environment however, I don't see anything wrong with that test.

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