Same SSID or Not? – Wireless Network Configuration


I want to set up a wireless network over two floors at the department, which will need several devices. The unversity provides several end-points, so to maximize speed I thought that I would place a wireless router each with their own IP address at strategical points, so each will only handle the traffic actually going through it. I wish the users to have the least painfull experience while going around the dept. with a connected device. Obviously this means one password for all of them, but the question is, should I give the same SSID to all of them, or should say number them? Also, if they have the same SSID, should I put them on different channels or the same channel?

Best Answer

The APs should be on different channels to avoid interference. If there are other APs in the building, try to minimize co-channel interference by selecting unused channels (if possible).

You can use the same SSID, which will make roaming a little easier.

I'm assuming you're using access points and not routers, so the IP address of each is for administration only. Access points are layer 2 devices, like switches, so they don't look at IP addressing.