Wireshark shows SSDP protocol for HTTP request, and not TCP protocol


I have been learning ICND1 through CBTNuggets.com course online,
I have recently started a video where the instructor is guiding on how to use Wireshark to trace the communication.

He first used DNS to show how User Datagram Protocol is shown in the Wireshark when i do
nslookup of any website.

then he started the Wire Shark Capture and visited a website CBTNuggets.com and suddenly his Wireshark window started to show protocols like TCP, HTTP etc.

But when I tried the same process, and visited google.com or any other website while my Wireshark capture is on, All i could see is SSDP protocol in my wireshark window.

I know the difference between UDP and TCP, and that TCP is a reliable communication and HTTP is TCP based protocol.

But why my Wireshark is not showing any TCP protocol when I visit any website ?

P.S: I am use Wireless Network Device

enter image description here

Best Answer

Clear the expression ip.addr== filter. This is probably whats filtering out what you want to see. You can tell by the very first column in WireShark, Look at the No. jumps at DNS No.94 to SSDP No. 680 --- So about 500 entries you arent seeing. You can also turn off the ssdp discovery service in windows to eliminate that ssdp mess.

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