(13) Permission denied on Apache CGI attempt


I have recently upgraded my Apache2 server, and am now unable to run a CGI app. My logs are showing

(13) Permission denied unable to connect to cgi deamon after multiple tries

I understand that the error message means Apache is being denied some permission to some file, and I'm stumped as to how to track down and solve the problem.

Is the file mentioned in the error message truly the blocked file? Or might the problem be caused by some other needed file? The .cgi file is right where it has always been, under /usr/share. The file ownership (root) and permissions (world readable/executable) are the same as they have always been for the file and its ancestors. The SELinux file labels are unchanged.

The SELinux audit log shows no denial associated with Apache nor the CGI program. In case of a donotaudit condition, I enabled audit, but still saw nothing. I switched SELinux into permissive mode briefly, to no avail. I even tried restarting Apache while in permissive mode. This did not solve the problem.

Any suggestions on how to solve this problem? I'm tempted to just revert to the older Apache.

Best Answer

may or may not work, seems highly unlikely, but someone had a similar problem, and this was the solution;

chmod 755 /var/log/httpd/ or whatever the directory for apache's logs is, on your server.
