20 1TB drives vs. 10 2TB drives in RAID5/6 server


I will be setting up a server at work and I need some advice on some details. The setup will be one blade-type server (8-core, 16GB RAM) with two subsystems – one for the main storage the other to back it up. I'm shooting for a 20TB array (I know it'll be less after formatting and parity drives).

Is there any advantage one way or the other with either 20 1TB drives or 10 2TB drives?

I'm not sure right now how many controllers I should have either (in the quote I have is a dual-port controller). I would think two controllers for a server of this size would be a better choice than the dual-port controller (but I really don't know).

Would an array of this size have any performance issues in RAID 5 or 6 (I know RAID 5 or 6 are "slower" because of all the parity calculations).

Also, these will be either WD RE3 (1TB) or the RE4 (2TB).

Oh, also, for the backup array would it be ok to use the WD 2TB green drives (also in RAID5 or 6)?

Best Answer

20 drives 1tb - more IO performance for at least reading (depends how you set them up).

10 drives 2tb: less IO perforamnce, problems with RAID 5 quality - go fo RAID 6 to avoid issues in case a disc fails. 2tb drives are the limit to reliably rebuild.

I'm not sure right now how many controllers I should have either (in the quote I have is a dual-port controller).

You should go for a SAS setup. Would be ok to use 1 SAS port, though I would go with a dual port cage an a dual port controller. I ahve a setup similar to that (well, smaller, faster) using WD 300gb Velociraptors and use an Adaptec 5805 and a Supermicro cage with 24 slots in 1 rack unnits (2.5" all) and a SAS backplane for them.

note that SAS can handle SATA drives - they are logically and physically compatible, just plug them in.

The Adaptec handles up to around 190 discs ;) And has plenty of CPU perforamcne for that little IO.

Oh, also, for the backup array would it be ok to use the WD 2TB green drives (also in RAID5 or 6)?

Backup - in general slower is ok. So, yes.

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