2008 R2 Clients not Updating their time from the Domain Controller


I have set the time on the primary domain controller emulator but my clients don't seem to be adjusting there time.

  • The other domain controller did sync its time to the main controller
  • The domain controllers are VMs but the clients that should be syncing with them are not
  • The "Type" of the clients from w32tm /dumpreg /subkey:parameters is NT5DS
  • I don't see any errors in the event logs
  • I set the time about 6 hours ago and the clients are still 4 minutes off
  • A manual w32tm /resync gets a client to update its time, but that is not really a solution

I did a domain rename and renamed the dcs as well to corepsond. w32tm /query /peers /verbose shows the peer is still the old DC. Any know how I teach the clients about the new one?

Best Answer

Is your PDC Emulator getting a good external-to-the-forest time sync? If your PDC Emulator doesn't have an authoritative time source configured I don't believe clients will sync. You can see more details at: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/816042

You may want to run a w32tm /resync on one of the machines and see if the clock syncs. That's quick-and-dirty, but it'll tell you if a sync is even possible.

Have a look at the output of w32tm /query /peers /verbose. That'll show you what the client's peer selection algorithm is coming up with.

Is anything blocking UDP port 123 traffic between the clients and their domain controllers?