A computer in a dusty environment (factory)


We have a computer in a dusty environment. Worked for more than a year and then PSU died, probably because PSU fan wasn't cooling enought good. I tried to rotate the fan by hand and it was rotating hard.

We have a need for another computer in another dusty environment, so to make a better choice, i`m researching about ways to save computer from dust as i have no experience in such field.

The PC can be low power/performance PC, as it just needs to operate with the database software and work with a printer.

Ways to keep computer clean

I am now reading The dust free computer and it mentions 4 ways to solve the problem:

  • Clean the environment. Not possible, as this is manufacturing
  • Reduce the need of airflow. Computer without fans.
  • Isolate the computer. An interesting and cheap solution – wrap the
    computer in a dirt bag and that's all.
  • Use filtered airflow.

What i`m thinking about

  1. First of all i look forward for a small PC, wall mounted would be nice, but
    is there any that doesn't require fans to operate? I'm looking at
    Dell Optiplex FX160, but would that be an option? I don't actually know if this device has fans, but as i'm reading the technical guidebook, it requires that there is some spacing for the airflow:
    DELL Optiplex FX160 system placement
    But as i'm looking that are "so many dots" for airflow, i`m afraid that it could be blocked by dust really fast?

  2. Just buying a regular PC and upgrading airflow as mentioned in the
    article – will it really solve the problem or just mitigate it?

  3. Well the dirt bag looks like a real option.

But what are your experiences and suggestions?

Best Answer

If your system has to work in a dirty industrial environment then commodity PCs are probably not the way to go. You would be much better off using machines that have been designed for use in those kind of environments. You would be better off researching industrial fanless or sealed PCs or similar. They probably wont be cheap but they should work flawlessly in your kind of environment for years.

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