DNS Record for Both www and Non-www Websites – How to Set Up


For each website I have, I noticed that having just this A DNS record:

*.example.com   3600    A   0

will make http://example.com unavailable and having just this A DNS record:

example.com 3600    A   0

will make http://www.example.com unavailable.

Question: is it mandatory to have two A DNS records to support www and non-www

*.example.com   3600    A   0
example.com     3600    A   0

or is there a way to define both in one A DNS record?

PS: If it's mandatory to have two records, would you use:

www.example.com 3600    A   0
example.com     3600    A   0

or would you do it this way:

www.example.com 3600    CNAME example.com
example.com     3600    A   0


Best Answer

Short answer: Yes.

Longer: I would suggest you adding exactly www.example.com and not *.example.com unless you don't want to ever use any sub-domain like john.example.com and jane.example.com, etc....

Also, do not forget to configure your apache/nginx (which ever you use) to accept connections for both domain names.

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