Access Bind9 DNS in Virtualbox on Host


I've set up a Ubuntu 10.04 Virtual Box with a Bind9 DNS server. The Box has a NAT Network connection for internet access and a host-only adapter for static ip connections from the host (OSX Lion). Thats the only way i managed to get internet and static ip inside the box, guess there is a better one …
The DNS works fine from inside the virtualbox, but not from the host. The http and ftp on the guest system is accessible via both addresses, so connection between host and guest are fine i guess. I tried to add both IP's as name servers.
I'm completely new to Bind9 and DNS configuration. Anybody has a hint for me whats wrong? Or how i have to configure the DNS server?

Best Answer

Perhaps the DNS only listen to localhost. Check in the VM :

# netstat -naptu | grep 53

It should show you whether port 53 only listen to localhost ( If this is the case then you have to check your configuration on allow-query.

Reference on allow-query :