Access denied errors in windows server 2008 for system administrator


I've a HP Pavilion DV4 with windows Server 2008 R2 enterprise. My system is connected to a domain. I login using my domain account. I am the administrator for the local machine. But I'm getting access denied everywhere (file system, running commands, using visual studio..literally everywhere..) in my machine. What could be the problem? Any ideas?

Please tell me if you need more information as I'm just a developer with less knowledge in system administration.

Best Answer

UAC is causing this. When in a domain auto elevation only works if you are either The Administrator (ie using that specific account, not just a member of Local Administrators) or you are a member of Domain Admins. There are ways around this but if all you need to do are local actions then selecting Run As Administrator should solve your immediate issues.

There is a complete explanation in this Technet article, including some options on how to modify the behavior.