Access VirtualBox client (WinXP) from host (Linux) when client is connected to VPN


I have a host (Ubuntu Linux) with VirtualBox on which is installed client (Windows XP).
I set bridge connection for them.

Host has IP and client

On client I've installed WAMP server and on host I can access it by simply call

When I connect on client to the Cisco VPN (need access to database over VPN) I cannot access that server from host.

What should I do to make it work ?

Best Answer

Which Cisco VPN?

If it is the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client, then you should enable LAN access in it.

You might not be able to get more than 1 IP address from the VPN though. If that is the case you should use NAT mode, then your virtual machine will have the same network access as your host.