Accessing public server using UNC path


My goal is to access public server using UNC path \\server_ip\folder syntax. My ISP is blocking port 445, so i cannot access server using SMB protocol. The questions are:

  1. There are still no easy method to force windows use SMB protocol via other port than 445 (for example 80)?
  2. That leaves me WebDAV protocol. How to force windows explorer to use this protocol? I setup WebDAV server. I can access files via browser, but not with UNC path in windows explorer. I cannot access WebDAV server from local machine and from remote machine using explorer. I tried \\ip:80\folder and \\ip@80\folder – they refused to connect. I also edited Network Connections - Advanced Settings - Provider Order and made Web Client Network first and tried to access using simple form \\ip\folder, but wireshark showed that it was accessed using port 445. So still not WebDAV.


Of cource I can use UNC, there is no doubt. For example, see:
How can I access a webDAV folder as a UNC share?

Ok if you don't like I'm doing over public, then how can I access it in my LAB. WebDAV folder is on my local PC and I'm accessing it via UNC on my local PC. I see windows cannot access. HTTP/1.1 405 Method not alowed.

IIS is version 10.0.17134.1

EDIT: so nobody who managed to do it would tell?

Best Answer

If you have configure a webdav server windows should connect to it, but you cannot use UNC path, you have to use the URL of your webdav, follow this guide: Reference

  1. right click on Computer
  2. Add network location -> Next
  3. select "Choose a custom netwrok location"
  4. insert the webdav link -> Next
  5. Insert credential

NOTE: by default the windows client will refuse to connect to a plain webdav server, use authentication and TLS for your connection.

as per @Lenniey says, do not expose standard windows port (especially SMB protocol which is not pretty secure) some ransomware were use SMB vulnerability (should fixed now) to propagate them self over the network. To access the server with UNC path use a VPN like @Lenniey says.

Or think about to use different protocol like ssh.