Accessing VMWare Management Network from a different subnet


Here's the scenario…

We've got a VSphere ESXi 5 box running on a 9.x subnet, our office runs from the 1.x subnet. We can access the VM's running on the box without issue (which also have 9.x IP's) however we can ping the management network interface for the VM box but can't either browse to the box http/https nor use VSphere client to connect to it. The connection just times out. We have a VPN connection between the two subnets and have checked both firewalls and nothing is being blocked (which is also supported by the fact that all traffic can pass to/from the VM's).

Is there a setting within VMWare that restricts management traffic by default, to its local subnet? It would make sense for that to be the case…but I can't find any options within VSphere client. The default gateway is definitely correct for the management network, again supported by the fact that we can ping and get a response from its IP from our 1.x network.

If anyone has any suggestions, they would be kindly appreciated!

Thank you!

Best Answer

This isn't anything whatsoever to do with vSphere, it's a simple Layer 3 routing issue, get some working routing in place, that's it.

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