Accurate way to check latency between Server


First of all, I hope my post are is posted in the right section . Below are something i got confused hope you one can help.

My business partner 's IP server are in: Sanjose, CA , and I am looking for a datacenter which give the least latency to that IP. I found 2 . 1st datcenter is in San Francisco, CA . 2nd data center is in Newyork.

Then I do the ping from each datacenter to the my partner's IP.

1st datcenter's result: 75ms

2nd datacenter's result: 2ms

I 've done multiple time, 2nd datacenter always give better result. Now my question is:

Isn't the 1st datacenter suppose to give better result, since their location are closer ? How come the result produce different, what is the accurate way to check latency ?

Best Answer

To check latency over time, I recommend Matt's Traceroute:

That being said, geography is not always the determining factor for latency. Latency is often caused by the number of network hops it takes to reach your target machine, but there is a large array of factors that can come into play.