Active Directory authentication with Apache: why I need to use a full name (user at domain)


We use Apache 2.2 for authentication against Active Directory.
The configuration is following:

AuthFormLDAPURL "ldap://*.*.*.*:389/DC=domain,DC=com?userPrincipalName,sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=*)"

Note: All traces below using WireShark.

I defined the user john when the CN is equal to the sAMAcountMame name:

enter image description here

I can authenticate using only john (sAMAcountMame). Please find below LDAP bind request:

enter image description here

LDAP bind response:

enter image description here

Then I defined the user johnd when the CN is NOT equal to the sAMAcountMame name:

enter image description here

Unfortunately, I can not authenticate using johnd (sAMAcountMame). Please find below LDAP bind request:

enter image description here

LDAP bind response:

enter image description here

I can authenticate using a full name Please find below LDAP bind request:

enter image description here

LDAP bind response:

enter image description here


  1. Why I can not authenticate using sAMAcountMame when the CN is NOT equal to the sAMAcountMame?
  2. Why I can authenticate using sAMAcountMame at domain in this case?
  3. Should we recommend to our users always to authenticate using sAMAcountMame at domain to prevent the authentication problems?

Thanks for your help!

Best Answer

When performing LDAP simple bind, AD does not try to match the passed name against the sAMAccountName attribute without any suffixes. However, it could try to find a match against displayName, which worked for you in the first test (where it looked like a match against sAMAccountName, because values of those attributes were the same).

The precise description of name matching rules used when handling LDAP simple binds can be found in the Microsoft documentation:

Using UPN is probably more reliable, because displayName might contain some human-readable string (e.g., full name of a person) and is not guaranteed to be unique. The DOMAIN\USERNAME form should also be unique, but depend on NetBIOS domain names, which are considered to be obsolete now.