AD Certificate Templates does not appear


I'm following what should be simple instructions to enable LDAP SSL on our domain controller (instructions here). Duplicating the Kerberos certificate is successful however, when attempting to select "Certificate Template to Issue", the created certificate does not appear. What gives? A long time ago, I actually completed this step on a now decommissioned DC with no problem.

Our environment is Windows Server 2008 Standard, and we have two domain controllers. Only one has the role of certificate authority. I look forward to any help here, thank you ahead of time.

Best Answer

You need to either use Windows 2008 Enterprise (which is allowed to issue v2 and v3 templates, such as the duplicate of the Kerberos template that you created), or upgrade to Windows 2008 R2 Standard from 2008 Standard (which gets rid of this pointless restriction on template versions for the Standard edition).