Add all network users to local group for specific hosts in CentOS7


How would I add a network (sssd-ldap) user to a local group?
More specifically, how can I add all network users who log into a system to a local group?

It doesn't look like authconfig has a setting to add pam_group (unlike pam_access) and pam_group isn't there by default. I can edit the various pam files by hand, but if authconfig is run again, this is liable to lead to trouble.

In a sense I'm looking for the inverse of this question, though I'm using rfc2703bis schema (not that that should make a difference).

Unlike this question, I'm looking to add the users to pre-existing local groups, e.g. libvirt or tcpdump.

I'm aware that I can edit /etc/group for each new user, but I'm looking for something more robust. Making sure the pam stack includes pam_group would be less problematic than that.
This is actually what I'm doing already, but having to re-run the ansible play to do this every time a user is added or removed from the directory is a bit much.

Using group: files [SUCCESS=merge] sss doesn't seem to be an option yet as it was added in glibc 2.24, while CentOS7 uses glibc-2.17-106.el7_2.8 and I can't find any back port notes for this feature. It's still not an idle option though.

Best Answer

I'm not sure if authconfig calls pam-auth-update somewhere in it's code, but if you have added a config in /usr/lib/pam-configs and run authconfig or path-auth-update then it should read the file and inject pam_group at the appropriate location in the /etc/pam.d/ files. See this answer.

Something like the below in /usr/share/pam-config/load-groups should work.

Name: activate /etc/security/group.conf
Default: yes

Priority: 900
Auth-Type: Primary Auth:

The higher the priority number the earlier it is triggered, and pam_group doesn't actually verify the password so contrary to some other examples (like the official Ubuntu one) you can leave that off.