Adding a user in Active Directory using dsadd


Here's a screenshot of my topology:

alt text

I'd like to use the dsadd command to add a user to Mercotel A> Administracion> Usuarios OU, but I can't figure out the syntax for nested OU's.

What would the command be?

dsadd user “cn=Sergio Tapia,ou=Mercotel A/Administracion/Usuarios,dc=aso,dc=com” -disabled no –pwd 123456 -mustchpwd no

This gives me an error.

Best Answer

The user's DN should be:

"CN=Sergio Tapia,OU=Usuarios,OU=Administracion,OU=Mercotel A,DC=aso,DC=com"

Microsoft details the naming convention: "A DN is a sequence of relative distinguished names (RDN) connected by commas" in this MSDN article.

Full command:

dsadd user "CN=Sergio Tapia,OU=Usuarios,OU=Administracion,OU=Mercotel A,DC=aso,DC=com" -disabled no -pwd 123456 -mustchpwd no