Adding new article to transactional replication gives error at subscriber


I have a updatable transactional replication set with SQL Server 2008. Everything is working fine.

I added a new table to the existing publication through sp_addarticle followed by sp_addsubscription. After that I ran the Snapshot Agent. The snapshot has been generated only for newly added table. So the new table was successfully replicated to subscriber. I could even able to replicate a newly inserted record into new table to subscriber.

But it's not possible viceversa. When I insert a record into new table in the subscriber database, I am getting an error

Msg 515 'Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'msrepl_tran_version', table Servername.dbo.Tablename'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.'.

Please help me to resolve this issue.

Many thanks in advance.

Best Answer

That error is telling you that the default value for the msrepl_tran_version table has not been set on the subscriber database (or that you're willingly trying to set the column to NULL in your INSERT statement). It needs to have a default value of newid(). Why that didn't get set though I am unsure.

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