ADFS 2.0 and WebEx


We have a brand new deployment going on, where our University has purchased WebEx MeetingPlace. We have the Cisco CallManager component working, but the integration with Single Sign On with ADFS 2.0 has been nothing short of torture. The biggest problem I'm working with is that we use Split-Brain DNS, and our internal domain name versus external domain name is different. Trying to determine what credentials are getting passed back and forth, certificate errors for using the self-signed certificate, etc.

Does anyone have any experience with this, or something similar? Do you have any tips, or watch-out-for-this, etc.? I've not worked with a Federated Authentication system before, and this scenario is very black-box-esque. Sorry, I'm also partially ranting as I'm frustrated.

Best Answer

Yes! I went through this torture a few months ago. There is a secret (well not really secret, but not easy to find) integration guide that is pretty much step-by-step. Find it here:

The best place to ask questions about this if you are having random issues is the developer community board, here: