ADFS Error – MSIS9605: The client is not allowed to access the requested resource


I have an on-premise installation of Dynamics CRM 2016 which has claims-based authentication configured using an ADFS 4.0 (Server 2016) instance. Logging into CRM works fine via ADFS. I have a separate Node.js application trying to access the CRM Web API using the ADAL library provided by Microsoft to perform authentication. I have created an ADFS client using PowerShell for this Node app that has a Client ID and Secret. When the Node code executes to acquire a token from ADFS to use for calling the CRM Web API, I get the error MSIS9605: The client is not allowed to access the requested resource. Clearly the call is reaching ADFS, but I cannot seem to find a way to configure ADFS to allow the client to access the other resource protected by ADFS.

Here is the output of Get-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust:

AllowedAuthenticationClassReferences : {}
EncryptionCertificateRevocationCheck : CheckChainExcludeRoot
PublishedThroughProxy                : False
SigningCertificateRevocationCheck    : CheckChainExcludeRoot
WSFedEndpoint                        :
AdditionalWSFedEndpoint              : {}
ClaimsProviderName                   : {}
ClaimsAccepted                       : {, , }
EncryptClaims                        : True
Enabled                              : True
EncryptionCertificate                : [Subject]
                                         CN=*, OU=Domain Control Validated

                                         CN=Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2, 
                                       OU=, O=", Inc.", L=Scottsdale, 
                                       S=Arizona, C=US

                                       [Serial Number]

                                       [Not Before]
                                         11/23/2016 9:41:00 PM

                                       [Not After]
                                         1/19/2018 3:51:41 PM


Identifier                           : {,}
NotBeforeSkew                        : 0
EnableJWT                            : True
AlwaysRequireAuthentication          : False
Notes                                : 
OrganizationInfo                     : 
ObjectIdentifier                     : 8e869c1e-..........8b5a
ProxyEndpointMappings                : {}
ProxyTrustedEndpoints                : {}
ProtocolProfile                      : WsFed-SAML
RequestSigningCertificate            : {}
EncryptedNameIdRequired              : False
SignedSamlRequestsRequired           : False
SamlEndpoints                        : {}
SamlResponseSignature                : AssertionOnly
SignatureAlgorithm                   :
TokenLifetime                        : 0
AllowedClientTypes                   : Public, Confidential
IssueOAuthRefreshTokensTo            : AllDevices
RefreshTokenProtectionEnabled        : True
RequestMFAFromClaimsProviders        : False
ScopeGroupId                         : 
Name                                 :
AutoUpdateEnabled                    : True
MonitoringEnabled                    : True
MetadataUrl                          :
ConflictWithPublishedPolicy          : False
IssuanceAuthorizationRules           : 
IssuanceTransformRules               : @RuleTemplate = "PassThroughClaims"
                                       @RuleName = "Pass Through UPN"
                                       c:[Type == ""]
                                        => issue(claim = c);

                                       @RuleTemplate = "PassThroughClaims"
                                       @RuleName = "Pass Through Primary SID"
                                       c:[Type == ""]
                                        => issue(claim = c);

                                       @RuleTemplate = "MapClaims"
                                       @RuleName = "Transform Windows Account Name to Name"
                                       c:[Type == 
                                        => issue(Type = "", 
                                       Issuer = c.Issuer, OriginalIssuer = c.OriginalIssuer, Value = c.Value, 
                                       ValueType = c.ValueType);

                                       @RuleTemplate = "PassThroughClaims"
                                       @RuleName = "App Claim"
                                       c:[Type == "
                                        => issue(claim = c);

DelegationAuthorizationRules         : 
LastPublishedPolicyCheckSuccessful   : True
LastUpdateTime                       : 1/4/2017 8:24:16 PM
LastMonitoredTime                    : 1/5/2017 8:02:07 PM
ImpersonationAuthorizationRules      : 
AdditionalAuthenticationRules        : 
AccessControlPolicyName              : Permit everyone
AccessControlPolicyParameters        : 
ResultantPolicy                      : RequireFreshAuthentication:False
                                         Permit everyone

Here is the Node.js function using ADAL ( I realize it has Azure in the title but it is successfully communicating with ADFS and there are comments in the issues log stating that what I am doing is possible.

let ADAuthenticationContext = require('adal-node').AuthenticationContext;

const authorityHostUrl = '';
const tenant = 'adfs';
let authorityUrl = authorityHostUrl + '/' + tenant;
const clientId = 'c43002e2-............67c';
const clientSecret = 'lT..................jjh';

const resource = '';

let crm = module.exports = {};

let context = new ADAuthenticationContext(authorityUrl, false);

crm.test = function() {
    context.acquireTokenWithClientCredentials(resource, clientId, clientSecret, function(err, tokenResponse) {
        if (err) {
            console.log('well that didn\'t work: ' + err.stack);
        } else {

Also, from the ADFS Event Log:

Encountered error during OAuth token request. 

Additional Data 

Exception details: 
Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.Protocols.OAuth.Exceptions.OAuthUnauthorizedClientException: MSIS9321: Received invalid OAuth request. The client 'c43002e2-f1a6-4786-9234-f71e971c167c' is forbidden to access the resource ''.
   at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.Protocols.OAuth.OAuthProtocolContext.ValidateScopes(String scopeParameter, String clientId, String relyingPartyId)
   at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.Protocols.OAuth.OAuthToken.OAuthClientCredentialsContext.ValidateCore()

Any insight would be great as I am pretty new to ADFS and the message seems to indicate something in ADFS is not correct.

Best Answer

On Windows Server 2016 you need to explicitly grant clients permission to a resource, even when the access policy is set to "Permit everyone".

Try this command:

Grant-AdfsApplicationPermission -ClientRoleIdentifier "clientName" -ServerRoleIdentifier "https://service.url"
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