Advantage of using nexenta vs. OpenSolaris


I am currently building a NAS for about 24 TB of storage. Video files, slow access, long term storage. No performance issues.

I am currently undecided between buying a JBOD case and installing OpenSolaris (because of ZFS), or purchasing a Nexenta license. The difference is about $ 12.500 for licenses over three years.

What would you see as the main advantage in purchasing a nexenta license, beside the support? Did nexenta really enhance the basic OpenSolaris, or is it just a lot of marketing speak? No one really wanted to answer that question.

P.S. With the nexenta license pricing I am even thinking of going with Windows Storage Server.

Best Answer

(Disclosure: I am a Nexenta developer)

For NexentaStor 24 TB License cost would be ~3000 (Silver) or ~5500 (Gold). (+20% per year Upgrades/support from second year). Take a look at

Nexenta (core and stor) are currently based on b134. It has access to multiple Open-source plugins (, and the WebUI provides access to more underlying ZFS features. It also includes replication/snaphotting services.

Featurewise, Nexenta first added COMSTAR/zfs integration, that later became available in OpenSolaris. It was the first to add safe upgrades (via apt-clone). It also developed the VTape library to virtualize zvols over tape ( It was the first appliance to provide dedup. It follows upstream features quickly, and backports fixes to the stable build.

There's a free version you can install to test it.. but it can only be used till you reach 12TB of used storage ( You can also install the free NCP iso, and community developed NAS interface (napp-it).

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