After manually moving a virtual machine from one host to another – unable to power on


I have 2 different VMware server hosts on 2 different geo-locations.
one of the machines, which is located in Paris has gone corrupted and i was given the task to copy this machine from the other VMware server host which is located in London.
Both machines are identical (apart from the machine's name) and the only difference between them is the geographical location of the hosts.
After copying the machine's vmware folder using scp from the London host to the Paris host, in the web UI, while the host name is selected in the VM tree, i clicked Virtual Machine menu -> Add Virtual Machine to Inventory and added the newly moved machine to the host.
Then I tried powering on the machine and got the message which asks me if i copied or moved the machine, i chose "moved it" and the bar which indicated the progress of powering on the machine reaches 95% and hangs until i get the following error:
"Power on virtual machine" failed to complete, if these problems persist, please contact your system administrator".
When i check the Events tab of the problematic machine i get this error:
"VMware server cannot ifind the virtual disk "machinename.vmdk". please verify the the path is valid…"
Edit: In addition to the rest of the things i've tried in order to solve the issue I've edited the xp-par-2.vmx file and edited the names of the files on all occurrences to the name of the new machine but it still gives me this error and now with the new filename:
"VMware server cannot find the virtual disk "/mnt/storage/vmware/xp-par-2/xp-par-2.vmdk" although it's there. any suggestions?

Best Answer

I do not know exactly, but I will try to help...

  1. If you said that you copied the VM via scp, why did you answer "moved it"?
  2. Obviously, VMware needs a virtual disk "machinename.vmdk". If you use some GUI (I suggest vSphere Client), why have you edited .vmx files manually? Why not just check VM Settings in vSphere Client before powering on the VM and see which virtual disks are configured, and which of them are missing in the VM folder?
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