Alpine linux on AWS / EC2 : how to login with the public key

alpineamazon ec2

I'm trying to install Alpine Linux (v.3.6) on Amazon AWS EC2 via a standard community AMI. I provided my valid ssh key, which does work with all other instances (Amazon Linux) in the same VPC. However, I can't login to the instance. What is the default username for Alpine AWS?

Should my public SSH key be uploaded automatically into the instance like in case of Amazon Linux, Ubuntu, etc. – or is Alpine Linux AMI for some special installations only, so I should use Packer or smth. to create a new user and put my public key there?

Where can I find any documentation about AWS Alpine Comunity AMI?

Best Answer

If anyone's still scratching their heads on this one:

I just launched the latest Alpine-3.7-r2-Hardened-EC2 instance with

ssh -i .ssh/KEY.pem alpine@host

Just guessed it followed the ubuntu@host pattern of the ubuntu instances.