Amavis-new whitelist


Hi to the Linux community. I'm coming from a Windows Server background so have mercy.

I'm attempting to whitelist some domains and although I know this isn't the best way of doing so its just a one off for a couple of domains so I thought it would be the quickest way of doing so. Current setup:

Amavis is used to pass emails off the ClamAV and SpamAssasin, currently I make changes in /etc/amavis/conf.d/50-user, as this will overide other settings.

Have created a whitelist file that looks like this:

In the 50-user config file:

Have tried variants like this:

read_hash(\%whitelist_sender, '/etc/amavis/whitelist');
read_hash(\%virus_lovers, '/etc/amavis/whitelist');

And restarting amavis after making those changes. Am I going about this the wrong way? Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

I do whitelisting at the MTA level (in my case postfix) rather than at the amavisd level. In my postfix/ file, I have:


Inside whitelist.pcre, I have the following syntax: FILTER  SMTP:[]:10025

where SMTP:[]:10025 is the transport in that filtered mail is reinjected into the postfix system. My reasoning to do that is if certain messages are not to be checked for anything, I don't want amavisd to touch it.