Amazon and bandwidth limits

amazon ec2bandwidth

This question may sound weird to some of you but I have never really used cloud and above all I'm still beginner in the web development and would be really thankful if someone could answer few of my question though they may sound weird

So I would like to deploy simple website to Amazon, however, I'm concerned about bandwidth as they charge 0.12GB and I'm not able to set budget limit.

My problem is that I wouldn't like to pay for 1000GB of bandwidth if someone for some reason decides to download one file constantly

So could some of you, who have experience with amazon, tell what happens if my app is able to handle (say 50 req/sec 30kb/page) does that mean that in the worst case I would have to pay

req * sec * min * hours * days * page size
50 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 30kb = 3888GB

Best Answer

So could some of you, who have experience with amazon, tell what happens if my app is able to handle (say 50 req/sec 30kb/page) does that mean that in the worst case I would have to pay

req * sec * min * hours * days * page size 50 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 30kb = 3888GB

Yes, that math is correct - however you'd have to have one heckuva well trafficked website to even come close to that amount of bandwidth. If someone decides to download one file constantly, just restrict bandwidth to and from one ip. There are a host of ways that you can prevent bandwidth abuse.

Of course, you could always get slammed with botnet traffic, but you're not doing anything to annoy a bot-herder, right? =) There's not much that can be done in those cases except if you already have a CDN or DDoS mitigation network in place. Which brings me to my next suggestion:

Use a CDN, particularly a free one, like, perhaps CloudFlare. They can help deliver your content and use less outbound Amazon bandwidth.

P.S. If you're sending out T-bits of traffic each month and not monetizing it in some way, you might want to consider taking some business classes at a local college. =)

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