Amazon EC2 bandwidth charges in case of unwanted incoming traffic(ddos/flood)

amazon ec2bandwidthcloud computingddosflooding

What happens if my EC2 instance gets ddosed/flooded, which could potentially go up to tens of gigabytes an hour(and even more) of undesired incoming traffic, will i be charged for this traffic?

My guess is yes, but what can i do in such nightmare scenarios? Can i complain or ask Amazon to help and not charge in such scenarios? Basically such a a ddos could run for weeks and amount for serious amounts of traffic, thus unwanted incurring charges. How can one guard himself from such scenarios?

Best Answer

Basically, you can not. Whom do you charge for wasted fuel when you get stuck in a traffic jam?

This is part of your business risk. Don't want to defend - shut down your instances, no traffic then.

Regardless how bad you feel for it, Amazon still provides your service and you still use up amazon resources.

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