Amazon SES send email from domain without an smtp


Is it possible with Amazon SES to send an email from say if there is no MX record for them.

I have setup Amazon SES and am waiting for DKIM to be verified and I am getting the error

{"Transaction failed. The server response was: Message rejected: Email address is not verified."}

I'm guessing this is just because the DKIM has not kicked in yet, but some of the things I'm reading seem to suggest that whatever email address is specified in the from for the message has to actually exist, ie. using would not work.

So do you need to have a proper address/mx record setup for sending from any address for a domain or it is just a case of waiting for DKIM to kick in?

Best Answer

The way Amazon SES works is you start in a sandbox environment before being switched to production. After you signup, Amazon verifies whether you own the email addresses as well as the domain of the sender. Whatever from address you are going to use, it has to exist and be verified. For more information, check the following link -Verify address and domains guide