Ansible: gather facts in a task


Right now in order to pull in ELK servers I have. Something like this for my main web app playbook


- hosts: elk
  gather_facts: true
  tags: ['apps']

- hosts: apps
  become: true
    - common
    - app
    - apps

That works fine but if I do something like

ansible-playbook ./runs/app.yml --limit

It skips over the elk servers.

So filebeat is setup in the common role. Is there anyway in like common/roles/filebeat.yml to gather_facts for the elk servers so I can clean it up and not skip them over if I want to limit ansible run to a single app server also?

Best Answer


Delegated facts learn facts from some other host, even if that other host wasn't part of the play. Slightly modified from the documentation example play:

- hosts: apps
    - name: gather facts from apps
      tags: ['apps']
      delegate_to: "{{item}}"
      delegate_facts: True
      with_items: "{{groups['elk']}}"