Any reason NOT to make branch office domain controllers virtual machines


I'm considering creating a new domain controller in a remote branch office. They already have a physical domain controller but I'm considering decommissioning it in favor of a vmware host.

Nothing fancy…single host with DAS.

The branch office has WAN connectivity to other AD sites.

The idea would be to do the following:

  1. Build up the new VMWARE host
  2. Build up new DC vm with AD, DNS, DHCP roles
  3. After one week dcpromo the old physical DC and remove the DNS and DHCP roles

The end goal is to have a new VMWARE host at that site that can also host a Linux server they need for SVN. Failover, HA, vmotion, etc. isn't needed at this location. Backups will be done via their 2nd server (file/print server) via tape and BackupExec.

Besides the normal considerations about time sync/skew, is there any real concern with virtualizing this nowadays?

EDIT: This is only to virtualize a single DC at the branch office, and that office will only have 1 DC (the virtualized one). There are 5 people at this office.

Best Answer

No, this will work just fine so long as you remember to set these important VMs to auto-start on host reboot.

Just go into the configuration tab, then 'virtual machine startup', click on properties and set them in there.

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