Apache 2.2 disable reverse proxy on location


I'm running Apache 2.2 on FreeBSD. As of late I've been looking at Cherokee + uWSGI for some Django/Python.

I want to keep Apache 2.2 at the front (port 80 replies) and proxy connections to my Cherokee server running at the same machine.

My problem is that I've got some legacy stuff for a few dir locations on my URL.

I want / to go to my Cherokee (reverse proxy) but keep Apache for /dir1/ and /dir2/.

I got the reverse proxy working fine with mod_proxy.

ProxyRequests            Off
<Location />

Cherokee is running at port 8080 on localhost.

The problem is that I can't figure out how to turn off the reverse proxy for /dir1/ and /dir2/ so that Apache process the incoming requests to the dirs.

Is it possible to add Location directives for /dir1/ and /dir2/ to tell Apache not to reverse proxy the dirs?

Best Answer

From reading ProxyPass's doc, You should do something like that :

ProxyPass                /dir1/ !
ProxyPass                /dir2/ !
ProxyPass                /
ProxyPassReverse         /