Apache 2.4 – Compatibility with OpenSSL


We run Apache HTTPD as a load balancer in production, using mod_ssl with OpenSSL. Whilst trying to compile the latest Apache version (2.4.41) we've hit problems with OpenSSL whilst building.

My question is, is there an official source for compatibility between OpenSSL and Apache HTTPD?

Apologies is I'm missing something simple here, but all I can find is the occasional mention of non-compatibility between various versions, rather than any definitive answer for what is tested and supported.

Best Answer

I think this is the official source (there is normally an entry when a new version is supported or implemented [newest features]) and also if some version gets out of support. https://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/CHANGES_2.4 Also You can find fixed bugs related to specific OpenSSL versions or features.