Apache 2.4 on Windows 2008 large file downloads are corrupt


I have a 400MB zip file on a server that I am attempting to access directly via a web browser (not through a script). The file seems to download normally, but cuts off at 124 MB as a corrupt file. The same results keep occurring regardless of the browser used.

The Apache access log appear to show a successful download:

IP - - [18/Jan/2013:10:07:33 -0500] "GET /url/to/file/myfile.zip HTTP/1/1" 200 455000714

There is nothing in the error log.

I've done some searching and the only thing I could find was to add AcceptFilter http none which seemingly had no affect.

I'm running Apache 2.4 on Windows 2008 server.

Best Answer

I had this same issue, and came across this hoping for an answer. I strongly suspect there is a bug in 2.4 as this didn't happen in 2.2 After far too much mucking around I finally got my case fixed.
I hope this works for you to I know it's a work around but it's better than nothing.

In my httpd.conf I enabled sendfile. So swap

#EnableSendfile On


EnableSendfile On
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