Apache 2.4 replies with “403 Forbidden” for a CGI script, the configuration looks ok


I installed a CGI script on a fresh installation of Apache 2.4 on Ubuntu server 14.04. Apache keeps replying with 403 Forbidden also if, to me, the configuration file is ok. The CGI is the Monitorix front-end, a system monitoring tool written in Perl.

The configuration file /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/monitorix.conf is:

Alias /monitorix /var/lib/monitorix/www
ScriptAlias /monitorix-cgi /var/lib/monitorix/www/cgi

<Directory /var/lib/monitorix/www/cgi/>
        DirectoryIndex monitorix.cgi
        Options ExecCGI
        <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
                # Apache 2.4
                Require all granted
        <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
                # Apache 2.2
                Order deny,allow
                Allow from all

All files in /var/lib/monitorix/www and /var/lib/monitorix/www/cgi have at least read permission for all. Every time I try to access from URL /monitorix, in my Apache log I see lines:

[Mon Sep 01 06:57:52.995680 2014] [authz_core:error] [pid 17145] [client x.x.x.x:58879] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /var/lib/monitorix/www
[Mon Sep 01 07:00:10.131166 2014] [authz_core:error] [pid 17145] [client x.x.x.x:58903] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /var/lib/monitorix/www
[Mon Sep 01 07:00:11.102614 2014] [authz_core:error] [pid 17145] [client x.x.x.x:58903] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /var/lib/monitorix/www

Plus, I cannot get why, when I try to access from URL /monitorix-cgi (I got the idea from the ScriptAlias directive) I get 200 Ok and I can see the Perl source of /var/lib/monitorix/www/cgi/monitorix.cgi.

Time ago I installed this tool on Debian and I had no problems, /monitorix worked as expected and /monitorix-cgi correctly gave me 403 Forbidden instead of showing the Perl source file.

Update: this issue has been reported to Monitorix and probably fixed (#69)

Best Answer

When you access /monitorix in a browser, you are accessing /var/lib/monitorix/www. Your Directory block allows access to /var/lib/monitorix/www/cgi, not /var/lib/monitorix/www. Either change the Alias to:

Alias /monitorix /var/lib/monitorix/www/cgi

or add an additional Directory block:

<Directory /var/lib/monitorix/www/>
    <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
            # Apache 2.4
            Require all granted
    <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
            # Apache 2.2
            Order deny,allow
            Allow from all

As for seeing the source of the cgi, it's probably mod_cgi's configuration. Either it's not enabled or it's not set to handle *.cgi files. You may need to add:

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

to your virtualhost or directory block. If that doesn't work, try this in your shell:

sudo a2enmod cgi

and follow the instructions to reload apache. If it still doesn't work, add a comment below and possibly update your question. I'll take another look and maybe set up a test system.

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