Apache 2.4 service failed to start


Apache 2.4 service start error.

I installed Apache 2.4 on windows 2008 R2 server. In the httpd.conf I added a directory configuration.

<Directory "M:">
      AllowOverride None
      Require all granted

Apache service failed to start. If I comment out the whole "Directory" block the service started no problem.

The M drive is the mapped network drive. the account used to start Apache service has been granted as logon as service, act as operating system.

The eventlogs error:

The apache service named reported the following error:  <Directory "M:"> is invalid.

Any help is appreciated.


Best Answer

The Apache documentation warns that you should only use UNC paths in the configuration, and avoid attempting to use drive letters. If you must use a drive letter, append the / at the end, e.g. M:/.

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